It's been almost six months since I began my journey, and I wanted to take the time to give my readers an update! It hasn't been easy, but it has been rewarding in a lot of ways. The journey God is taking me on has been a learning experience. I've learned about myself and a lot about other people.
I want to say thank you to those, who have taken time out of their lives to read my blog, and I truly hope it has blessed you in some way. I originally started this because I wanted to "journal" this journey, so I could see my progress and not get discouraged. However, it quickly turned into my sort of "ongoing testimony!" A testimony that I am ecstatic to share with you all, because God is just so amazing and if you will let Him, He can transform your life into something AMAZING!
I also want to thank my husband and my girls for being such an INCREDIBLE help to me! They have been here for me through thick and thin never complaining! It brings me great joy to know that I am blessed with such awesome people in my life.
Thank you to my AWESOME family and friends as well! I won't say names, but you know who you are! The ones that called me or sent me an encouraging text, came to visit or help me out with the girls when I needed, and the ones who even spent all day on chat with me making me laugh when I was having a bad day! You guys are awesome, and you will never know just how much you mean to me!
I'm in a good place and I am excited for the next six months!
For months all I could say or think, was God I just want to be "normal" again! And I meant it!
I wanted to be able to eat like normal people. I wanted to be able to walk without using a cane! I wanted to wake up and not feel nauseous! I wanted to be able to go places without having a vomit bag tucked away in my purse along with various medications! I wanted to rewind my life back to January of this year! A time when I felt the most happiest I had ever been in my life. Free of fear of the future, but ready to live my life and accomplish all my goals!
I was viewing this entire ordeal through my own self pity. I had a serious case of, "woe is me'" syndrome.
But now I have to look at my life right now for exactly what it new normal! You are probably wondering, why would you say all you are going through is your "new normal?" Well, because it is!
This is my journey. I am on this path for a reason. I strongly believe that God is using this time in my life to teach me something valuable. I don't have to know what that lesson is now, I just have to trust that the God I serve never puts more on me than I can bare!
Everyday my faith grows a little bit stronger. Yes, I can't eat like "normal" people. Yes, I walk with a cane. Yes, I'm sick and in pain nearly everyday. But is that who I am? Is this my life? NO!
You see, I know that at the end of this journey, I am going to look back and I am going scream and shout to the highest mountains of the healing that God is going to give me! That's awesome to me!
Last year around this time, I would have succumbed to my ailments and given up! My faith was nowhere near where it is today! And that is my "new normal!"
That's my whole point! You have to change your attitude and your mindset. My mind is sort of like my kryptonite! I can imagine the most horrific things and allow it to completely take over my life and the quality of it. However, I know that's what the enemy wants. As soon as he sees he has a little bit of wiggle room in your life, he pounces!
Now, I focus on the blessings that I have and the ones that are to come. Colossians 3:2 says, "Set your mind on things above, not on the things of earth." Philippians 4:8 says, "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
I have to admit, it's not always easy, but when you meditate (not just read) on the Word of God, it begins to sink into your inner being. The Holy Spirit begins to quicken it to you in your most vulnerable times. At times, when I am in pain, I sometimes will begin to feel sorry for myself, and the Holy Spirit will remind me to not focus on myself but to focus on true and lovely things. Pure things. Righteous things. When I take the focus off of myself and my issue, I focus on someone else, like my children or my husband, or friends. Or, I will reach out to someone I know who is going through something far worse. When we focus on love and trying to extend that love to others, the enemy loses.
So, to those of you who are struggling and are wishing and hoping to be "normal" again one day. Try to focus on the positive things in your life. I've read somewhere, "If you woke up this morning, God still has a purpose for you." Believe in that. If you don't know what that purpose is, get on your knees and ask him to reveal it to you. He will!!
I started this journey with the intention of making over my mind, body and spirit, and I fully intend to continue on this journey and allowing God to direct every order of my steps.
My mind and my spirit is definitely evolving and my body...well it's definitely changing as well! LOL!
My body makeover, has been a difficult one. When I first began this process, I was all in! I was eating right, working out EVERY day and was seeing results!! However, since then I have had a "setback." However, in an earlier blog I wrote that, "every setback is a setup for a comeback." And I firmly believe that.
Today was my weigh-in, and I have lost 45.6 pounds! (I promise I will post some pictures soon!) I am not entirely happy with the way some of the weight came off. However, I am thankful for every pound that I have lost. And most of all, I reached my goal of losing 40 pounds by the end of August!
I've set a new goal for the next three and half months and I fully expect to meet it! Although, I have been down for a while, and have very little strength, I am determined to keep going. I've started back doing small workouts when I can. If I can't get up, I work my legs and arms while lying in bed. I may not be able to work my abs like I would like yet, but just doing my legs and arms helps me to take back control of my body!
We all get knocked down, but I'm not going to stay down! I want to be free of every affliction that the enemy is trying to knock me down with. No weapon right!!!!!
So although it's been a slow road, I will continue to crawl, limp, waddle, walk and one day soon RUN it!!!
I will struggle, but that's life! So what if you fall down...get up and keep going! And if you can't get up right away, call on God and He will carry you!!
Until next time, be blessed!!! :)