When I first started my blog, I said I would always be open and honest, because I felt by allowing myself to be transparent in my journey both good and bad, I would be pleasing God, because my trials and tests could be the key to triumphs and testimonies for others.
Lately, there have been so many stories both in and out of the media of depression and suicide. The enemy is really busy people. He really does want to steal every ounce of joy that we have. I believe the reason he is so successful is because depression is a disease that people often suffer through alone and ashamed until it gets to a point where they feel the only way out is to remove themselves from this world. I want to take the time to let you know that it's OK and that you don't have to suffer alone. None of us do.

I have battled depression and suicidal thoughts for many years. There was a time when I felt that I had finally conquered it, but when you allow yourself to become vulnerable to the tricks of the enemy, it does make it easier to fall back into the same traps.
In 1998, when I was 18 years old, I was a victim to sexual assault that left me hurt, confused, and also pregnant. I had moved out with my sister because I wanted to do what I wanted to do, and when I wanted to do it, without anyone telling me what to do. It was the most horrific experience I have ever had in my life. I kept it from many people for years because I was so ashamed. I felt it was my fault and I brought it on myself. I didn't know who to turn to. I didn't want the baby. I was afraid that I would never be able to love him/her the way they would deserve. Abortion was my first thought, but all I could think about was how upset everyone would be with me if they ever found out and how it was against everything I was brought up to believe. But I also knew I didn't want to continue with the pregnancy. However, a few days later after finding out I was pregnant, I had a miscarriage. I blamed myself for the loss of that child. I felt that I had caused the miscarriage because I wished for it. It was the most difficult time of my life, and I was dealing with it all alone. About a month later, I moved back home with my dad. I was severely depressed and I knew it. Instead of dealing with it, I dropped out of college and went to work, never dealing with any of the emotions and pain that built up. I did, however, begin to alienate myself from friends. The romantic relationship I was in ended because I could not tell anyone what happened.
Eventually, I met and married my husband and we had a daughter. After giving birth to my daughter, I suffered from postpartum depression. I often thought of ending my life and ending her life because I felt I would be sparing her from the turmoil that was this life. My husband and I decided that I wouldn't go back to work, so my life soon revolved around my daughter and my husband. Everyday for me was a struggle to get up, to take care of my responsibilities. It was a struggle just to be me.
I began this journey in March of this year and it has certainly been anything but smooth. However, focusing on The Word and staying faithful helped me to stay sane. However, at the end of June, I began to lose hope. I felt alone. Like no one could truly understand what I was going through. I felt like I was a burden on my husband and children. On several occasions, my husband would find me crying in both physical and mental pain. I contemplated taking my own life. Not just to rid myself of the misery I was in, but to also rid my family of the misery I was putting them in. In my mind, I truly felt like I would be doing them a favor if I were no longer here.
Although, I felt down and ready to give up, because that foundation was there, I was able to call on the ultimate Savior, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
You know life is so full of ups and downs, and when you embark on a new journey that is normally out of your comfort zone, you are bound to face more downs than ups. We are all human, and we all have struggles at some point in life. I sometimes feel like mine should be fewer because my life has become available to the public by way of my blog. I feel that if I am trying to give others advice on pushing forward to your purpose, I should have it all together. Right? Wrong.
It's so awesome that we can all serve a God that will never leave or forsake us. During my darkest moments, the Holy Spirit never left my side. It was the Holy Spirit that helped me to see that my problems were not as big as my God. I really took comfort in that, and I still do today. It's not easy, I still suffer nearly everyday with pain and discomfort, but with each new day, I learn to be thankful for the things that are great in my life. I have a husband and children who love me so much. I have a Christian support system that I know pray for me on a daily basis and check in with me often. And most of all, I have a God that is bigger than any problem(s) I may face now or in the future.
My sister recently told me the story of the three men in the furnace. She reminded me that the enemy can and will fashion weapons to use against you. However, we have to believe what the Word tells us, "no weapon formed against us shall prosper." The three men in the furnace remembered this and were able to come out of the furnace unscathed. It brings me great joy that the same God who covered them in the furnace is the same God that I serve!
So don't look at your situation as the end...change your perspective. It's a chance. If you woke up this morning, it's God's way of showing you, that your journey is not over. So trust in the journey He has set before you. We don't always know where it may end, but we do know He only has the best in store for His children!
If you are suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts, please feel free to email me or comment and I will be praying for you. You are not alone.
I thank you for reading and be blessed.
:) Audry
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