As I sat down in front of my computer today, I was at a loss.
What in the world am I going to write about today?? This week has been tough, I have been sick and on bed rest and I really just wanted to feel sorry for myself.
So I said a prayer and it came to me!
I am almost two months in and I have had some serious ups and downs, as most of you who have followed me from the beginning already know, but I have not been alone! I have had AMAZING supporters! This week has shown me just who those people are!
So I wanted to take the time to mention just how important it is to have support! I have thankfully been blessed with an amazing support system!
Now first and foremost, I have God! It is He, who gives me strength from day to day. It is also He who has sent people in my life who have become friends and family!
So I just want to take the time to thank those who have supported me on this journey thus far!
Before I get into that, I just wanted to talk about the importance of having people in your life to lend you support, especially those who can lend spiritual support by praying for and with you. Those who will hold you accountable when your faith begins to waiver (and it does happen)!
There is something to be said about having people in your life who have no other agenda but to love you and uplift you when you are down! Honest relationships...covenant relationships that the Bible speaks of! I prefer quality over quantity for sure!
How awesome is it when that new friend becomes a good friend, then a best friend, then family! Those are the kind of friendships I value and pray for!
Relationships that go beyond the surface is what a I value most! I can appreciate "surface" relationships for what they are, but I am at a point in my life where "surface" just isn't enough for me anymore.
My weight has always kept me from building relationships with people. My self-esteem was always so low that I never felt pretty enough or good enough to be around people who were smaller than me or those I thought were pretty. Silly right? It's so funny...reading that I realize how silly that sounds...but you see how the enemy will lie and trick you to keep you alone!? Man, he really just gets on my nerves!!! LOL!
I don't want to be that person anymore! Now don't get me wrong, I don't have to have an enormous amount of friends, but having a few that really understand me and encourage me is nice! So I began to pray for "covenant" relationships...and when I say God has delivered....HE HAS DELIVERED!!!!
So with that being said, I want to acknowledge those in my life who have really impacted my life in some way and have been a great support!
To respect their privacy, I won't use any names, but they will know who they are!
First and foremost, I have to say my biggest support is my wonderful hubby!!!! I am so very blessed to have him in my life!!!! He is my rock!!! We've had our ups and downs, but this man has ALWAYS supported me in whatever I wanted to do!!! During this journey, he has been so loving and supportive!!! On those days, when I felt I could not go on, he was there praying and loving on me! He is a wonderful man of God and I love and thank you for all of your love and your support!
My children have been AWESOME as well! They have seen me go through good and bad and they have been there every step of the way! They keep me encouraged and they always know how to make me smile when I am sad! I have wonderful children (all 4 of them) and I love them with all my heart and I thank you guys for your silly jokes, for helping out when I was sick, and for keeping me encouraged!
To may best friend for 20+ have been SUPER awesome! I appreciate all the reminder texts and Facebook messages reminding me to work out! The encouraging words and the motivation you have given since I began on this journey has been invaluable! You are truly an AMAZING friend and I love you dearly!!!
To my parents, I didn't always appreciate having a dad who is a minister, but I am so thankful now! We haven't always been close, but over the past few years, our relationship has grown and you have become a very important man in my life! I thank you for your prayers and encouragement and even your compliments!!! To my moms, you guys have been great! I appreciate our relationships more than you know! You both have been there for me to listen, to pray, to encourage and I am so thankful for you both!
To my prayer couple, I so appreciate all of your prayers...all of your encouragement! I always find it amazing when God sends someone in your life who has not only been through some of the same things as you have but has overcome it!! What a blessing! It is truly a testimony to how much God loves us!! The early morning prayers and words of encouragement I will never forget!
To my newest friend, and you know who you are, I so appreciate everything you have done for me in such a short period of time. You came into my life at a time when the enemy was really trying to defeat me and without even knowing it, you gave me the courage and strength, by allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you, to keep going! You were there when I was sick and really had no one to help, and I am forever thankful!!
To my best friend, and my sister in life and Christ, I love you so much! You have been such an inspiration to me! When I lost my way, it was your light that shone through you that helped me find my way back! Your walk has been encouraging to me. I can call you at anytime and you drop everything to pray or read the Word with me. I am so thankful for you and I am excited to see all that God has planned for you!
To those who take the time to read my blog each week....thank you! Whether you know it or not, you keep me motivated! I do this not only for me and my family, but I do this to encourage others. If I have helped encourage at least one person, since I began this blog, then I have done what God called me to do. To those who have commented, text, emailed, called, Facebook IM'd, or Instagrammed...thank you! Your words of encouragement do not go unnoticed. I truly appreciate your advice, motivation, love, support and prayers!
I feel extremely blessed that I have such an awesome support system and I am thankful to God for everyone He has put in my life.
I had a bit of a setback this week, but the support I have received have helped to keep going! I'm not back on my feet yet, but your texts and emails have been inspiring. The enemy wants me to give up...and that only motivates me to keep going!
So keep me in your prayers and always remember the struggle you are in today, is developing the strength you will need for tomorrow!
Be blessed!
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